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Clutter Map for POLYCOM finished

MFB-GeoConsulting provides a new, outstanding 3D digital Land Use (Clutter) Map to Telecom Industry to improve radio network planning for the Swiss National Security Board’s POLYCOM Project.

MFB-GeoConsulting GmbH is the main application provider in Switzerland for digital land use (clutter) maps derived from high resolution geodata. Among others, telecom industry is using this source of maps to improve radio network planning. During the recently finished POLYCOM Project, which was running over the last three years, the minimum mapping unit for clutter maps was lowered from a 1om to a 2m grid and extended with the third dimension. As subcontractor of ETAVIS Micatel, financed by the Swiss National Security Board (BABS), MFB-GeoCOnsulting was in charge of improving input basics to new, advanced radiation network models.

With an in-house developed advanced processing chain, MFB-GeoConsulting was able to serve the project partners with a nationwide digital 3D land use map, at an exceptional price-quality ratio. Our production chain is a highly-automated application, using an object oriented image analysis and interpretation approach based on various geodata sets including LIDAR data, SWISSIMAGE, and Spot 5 satellite data. This increases the reliability and efficacy of the traditional processing approaches significantly.

Additionally class labelling was supported through Vector25, and SWISSIMAGE. Hight information was extracted from DTM-AV and DOM-AV Data. The resulting digital 3D clutter map has 19 classes depending on object height, specified by telecom industry an the National Security Board, with a minimum mapping unit of 2m grid size. This means an improved spatial resolution and an extension to the 3rd dimension, compared to previous clutter maps available for Switzerland. The thematic accuracy is >95% and the geometric location accuracy is specified with ±1 pixel size.

Example Zürich; Source: MFB-GeoConsulting

MFB-GeoConsulting – the company for “Solutions in Geographic Imaging” – is a private enterprise located in Messen, Switzerland. We are specialised in products and services related to Earth Observation (EO), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications and modelling and provide webbased services related to Geodata.

For more information on these services, please contact
MFB-GeoConsulting GmbH
Eichholzstrasse 17 & 23 CH- 3254
Messen, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (31) 765-5063,
Fax: +41 (31) 765-6091