Spacemetric integrating DMCii with ESA HMA
DMC International Imaging Ltd (DMCii) (UK) has contracted Spacemetric to lead the integration of the Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) of satellites with the Heterogeneous Missions Architecture (HMA) of the European Space Agency (ESA). The HMA infrastructure is being developed to enable the rational supply of satellite imagery within the scope of the European Commission’s Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative.
The integration with the Agency is taking place in two phases. The first is to provide support for the initial version of the GMES Space Component’s Data Access system. This involves implementing interim tools, routines and supporting operations to provide imagery during a transition period. Operations on this basis will begin by the end of 2009.
Meanwhile, the second development phase runs in parallel with the first but is more comprehensive in character. It involves the full integration of the DMC systems with ESA using a number of standard protocols that are in the process of ratification through the Open GIS Consortium (OGC). These will support a highly automated flow of requests and data back and forth between the Agency and the various satellite missions contributing data to the GMES initiative. This development for DMCii will be completed during 2010.
DMCii orders UK-DMC2 sensor model
Spacemetric has received an order from DMC International Imaging Ltd (DMCii) (UK) to develop and calibrate a physical sensor model for UK-DMC2. This satellite has been built and launched for DMCii by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) and is the latest in the Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC). It features a 22-metre multispectral imager designed for wide-area monitoring and mapping applications.
The development for DMCii concerns the definition of a physical sensor model for the UK-DMC2 camera to be integrated into the existing operational Keystone image management system supplied by Spacemetric. The development will enable the full range of Keystone functionality for UK-DMC2 imagery including cataloguing, archiving and product processing. The in-orbit calibration exercise will provide highly accurate values of the physical constants that define the UK-DMC2 camera model, thereby ensuring that image products can be generated with the highest possible geolocation accuracy.
The UK-DMC2 satellite is the sister satellite to Deimos-1, built by SSTL for Deimos Imaging (Spain). Spacemetric is also providing in-orbit calibration of the Deimos-1 sensor model under contract to SSTL as part of the supply of an end-to-end data management system for this satellite.
About Spacemetric
Spacemetric is a Swedish company providing image management solutions for satellite and airborne imagery. Customers include the Swedish National Land Survey, the Swedish Air Force, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. and the European Space Agency.
CONTACT: Ian Spence
TELEPHONE: +46 8 594 770 83
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