This event resulted from a large project that Aerodata has won over the Brussels Region. The objectives of this project are to update the existing topographic map of Brussels (UrBIS, Brussels Urban Information System) and to create 3D models of the 150 000 buildings of the Region.
For this project 5 flights with three different sensors were executed. A first flight was executed with the Vexcel UltraCam Xp camera and the images were processed into stereo images and an orthophoto mosaic with a GSD of 7.5 cm. The images will be used to update the UrBIS map.
The three following flights were executed with the LiteMapper Lidar sensor to acquire point clouds with a mean density of over 30pts/m². This dataset will be used to generate semi-automatically the 3D models of the buildings.
In the final flight the VisionMap A3 camera was operated. The large Field Of View of the A3 (106°) was exploited to achieve oblique images with a great amount of detail (10 cm under 45°). Brussels was flown in NS and EW direction in order to have each building photographed from 4 angles.
Click here to watch the item on the VRT site (in Dutch).
Other recent Aerodata news:
Aerodata launches Aero+ – Mar 31st, 2012 full story