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World Bank PUMA to grow

GISAT has got a new contract with the World Bank to provide further consultation services for its web based exploration platform PUMA – the Platform for Urban Management and Analysis.

PUMA, originally developed with focus on needs of the East Asia and Pacific Urban Development and Disaster Risk Management unit of the World Bank’s Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice (GPSURR), will evolve into the global platform supporting the bank activities in the context of the World Bank Global Urban Growth Data initiative. The objective of the Global Urban Growth Data initiative is to develop harmonized, comparable urban reference datasets and populate them with selected standard information on historical spatial expansion of cities, disaggregated demographic information over urban districts based on census data, and other relevant socio-economical and environment data. The core of the current GISAT’s assignment is therefore to expand use and utility of the PUMA platform to serve for such public and global use, include key global and regional urban data and ensure the sustainability and evolution of PUMA for day-to-day World Bank operations.

PUMA is a web based geospatial software platform developed using GISAT WebTool framework to support the World Bank urban development practice in exploring and analyzing integrated spatial data. PUMA adapts open-source software and allows users with no prior GIS experience to access, explore, visualize, analyze and share urban spatial data from a variety of sources in an interactive and customizable way.

Please, find more about the World Bank PUMA at

Gisat provides wide range of geoinformation services based on Earth Observation technology. It focuses on operational application of satellite mapping to monitor various aspects of our environment and development of dedicated web based platforms for geoinformation analysis and assessment
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