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UN-Spider Newsletter

June 2011

1. SPIDER Thematic Partnership for the Pacific Region
2. Expert Meeting on Crowdsource Mapping for Preparedness and Emergency Response in Vienna will produce input for report of Secretary General
3. Technical Advisory Mission to Cameroon
4. UN-SPIDER co-organizes PAIGH/USGS Crisis Workshop in Panama
5. Technical Advisory Mission to Nigeria
6. Technical Advisory Mission to Bangladesh
7. UN-SPIDER at the OGC Plenary week
8. Sustainable Future of Outer Space Activities discussed at the Outer Space Committee
9. Sentinel Asia supports disaster response to floods in Tajikistan
10.International Charter activated for volcano eruption affecting Chile and Argentina
11.RCMRD collaborates with ECHO/UNISDR on Regional Training Workshop
12.ADRC conducted an expert group meeting in response to the Japan Earthquake
13.Nigeria prepares to launch two earth observation satellites
14.NASA flights seek to improve view of air pollution from space
15.Satellite programs aid emergency crews battling wildfires
16.RapidEye reveals full archive through EyeFind
17.CEOS and ISU to use Earth Observation satellites to detect bugs

Information on upcoming UN-SPIDER outreach activities can be obtained from the events section of the UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal

06 2011 UN-SPIDER Updates.pdf
Source UN-Spider