The thermographic map, foreseen to be ready in early summer of 2009, will give an indication to the inhabitants of Antwerp and surrounding municipalities regarding the state of their roof insulation. By means of an easy-to-follow interpretation key and a corresponding interpretation legend, the inhabitants themselves can check if potential problems exist in the roof insulation of their building. Based on this information and supported eventually through subventions from the city or community, concrete actions can be undertaken to improve their roof insulation. This way it is an excellent mean to support the local and national energy efficiency policies.
Local, regional and national press (newspapers & television) actively reported on the project. Also the involvement of hundreds of volunteers (through questionnaires & temperature measurements during the night) was highlighted extensively.
EUROSENSE is for already several decades very active in different types of thermographic projects. In the context of energy efficiency of buildings, it is currently involved in several operational projects for several European cities/regions (like e.g. Brussels, Antwerp and Genk in Belgium and three areas in France). Furthermore, Eurosense is active in the continuous enhancement of the service towards specific customer needs and use of future sensors, within the DUE (Data User Element) project “Urban Heat Island and Urban Thermography”, funded by ESA
For more information on these services, we refer to the following contact information:
EUROSENSE Belfotop N.V Belgium
Address: Nerviërslaan 54, B-1780 Wemmel, BELGIUM
Phone: +32 (0)2 460 70 00
Fax: +32 (0)2 460 49 58
Via the following link, you can find a movie report from the Flemish Television (VRT) regarding the ground measurements: