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The Netherlands comes into focus! (Aerodata International Surveys)

People can now see the clearest and most detailed aerial imagery of The Netherlands yet.

Last February Aerodata announced the finalisation of its new digital orthophoto mosaic of The Netherlands.
This dataset is now on display at Google Earth.
The imagery was acquired entirely with the company’s 90 megapixel UltraCam-D large format digital frame camera, mounted in their fast Fairchild Merlin survey aircraft.
The 7000 images have been assembled to one large (850GB) seamless colour aerial photo mosaic at 40cm resolution.
With this product Aerodata has set a new standard for country-wide digital orthophoto databases.
Offline professional use of the complete,original dataset “aeroGRID®NL2005”, or parts of it, is possible by purchasing a license from Aerodata.
Shortly the dataset will be available to the public for purchasing areas on the internet at