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ReSAC activities in Disaster Management using FORMOSAT data

In the spring of 2006 the level of Danube River rose dramatically due to heavy rains and snow melting in the North-Western part of the Bulgarian river bank.

The cities of Vidin and Lom were partially flooded as also big territories from the plains in Romania.
On ReSAC request SPOTIMAGE opened an every day acquisition window from 16.04 till 04.05.2006 of FORMOSAT data. The purpose of the acquisition was to present the applicability of FORMOSAT data for monitoring of floods. The data were kindly supplied by SPOTIMAGE and processed by ReSAC.
The final outcome from the investigation is presented in maps for the affected from the floods areas and analysis of the land cover of those regions. Together with FORMOSAT data also Ikonos and IRS (kindly supplied by ScanEx) data were used for the floods in Bulgaria in August 2005. By utilising different GIS and image processing methods and analyses, maps for the vulnerable to flooding areas in the region of Russe town were produced from IKONOS imagery and DEM in 1:5000 scale. Maps of the possible affected areas from the floods were delivered to the Municipality of Rousse during the floods in April 2006 couple of days before the high water level to reach the city.
The usage of FORMOSAT data is still not at its full capacity because of lack of experience and software models for the FORMOSAT processing. ReSAC has done an experiment for the FORMOSAT L1A data orthorectification for the region of Sofia. The image was provided by the FORMOSAT distributor – SPOTIMAGE. Very high quality GPS measurements were used for the orthorectification together with Reference 3D product as DEM. For the processing of the image OrthoEngine of PCI Geomatics was used as the first software which has implemented the FORMOSAT satellite model. The results from this experiment were presented on a meeting of the European satellite image providers in the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizens of JRC on 19.09.2006.
© Courtesy of NSPO – 2006, Distribution Spot Image S.A.
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