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Research and Innovation comes from small companies (SPACEDAT s.r.l.)

Even though Big Companies dedicate a big part of their resources to R&D most of it is done by smaller companies and research institutions.

Spacedat is a research based company with the ability to link science with business. Providing innovation to private and public institutions, developing new technologies, refining existing technologies or developing new applications.
Spacedat relies on the dynamic R&D network created with national and international research institutions to complement its activities on Earth Observation thus providing value added products and services.
As a result important collaborations agreements have recently been signed in order to cover different areas related to EO:
GRID ComputingCONSORZIO SPACI (Southern Partnership for Advanced Computing Infrastructures), Nanotechnology (National Research Council / National Institute for the Physics of the Matter), Radar (Politecnico of Bari).
Some examples of applied research projects for environmental management are:
SENTINEL–Italy a web G.I.S application that localizes forest fires in near real time and creates a perimeter of burned areas, developed in collaborations with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) – Australia.
Tools for the Integrated Management of Coastal Areas (eomag summer 2006) work carry out in the framework of the SIMON COSTA project (Lecce Province) and the IMCA project (financed by the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR) Art.5 del DM 593/2000 developed by a consortium conformed by Spacedat, Planetek Italia, Coastal Consulting and Exploration, Politecnico of Bari – Departments of Physics, Civil and Architectural Engineering, Water and Chemistry (Laboratory of research and experimentation for the protections of the coasts), Bari University Zoology Department.
Spacedat looks forward to establish further links with private companies, agencies and research institutions, promoting agreements and business partnerships.
Viia Duca degllii Abruzzii 57
Lecce 73100
Tel//Fax: (0039) 0832..30..85..05