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Supporting Innovation and the Internationalization process

Spacedat has been selected among a number of Italian companies as the
most innovative and technology driven company. INNOVINT which stands
for “international development of new innovative entrepreneurs” is the
name of the project in which Spacedat is taking part.

is a market-oriented research company using remote sensing and G.I.S
instruments, turning knowledge and technologies into products,
processes and services with increased added value.
Being based in the very south of Italy (objective 1 funding area) where
the prevailing economy focuses on agriculture, Spacedat is part of a
new reality of companies and research centres, providing innovation and
technological change, without doubt the main drivers of economic
growth. As a matter of fact, the National Nanotechnology Laboratory
(NNL), ST Microelectronics, Agilent, and Alenia Marconi Systems are
already operating in this area.
The success of the company relies on the
dynamic R&D networks and competitive costs, turning ideas into
reality, knowledge into a benefit, which may be for commercial use or
for the public good. It is important to stress that, unlike “simply
innovative” companies, applied research firms are very rare in any part
of Italy, being essential to Italy’s economy since they have shown a
remarkable capacity to sustain and reinvent themselves.
Projects like INNOVINT, whose aim is to
improve the partnership between companies from different countries,
should definitely be encourage since they support activities related to
the development and the internationalization process. Spacedat looks
forward to establish further links with private companies and research
institutions, promoting agreements, business partnerships and joint
Contact: Via Duca degli Abruzzi 57 Lecce 73100
Tel/Fax (0039)0832308505
(Credits Spacedat)