The project aims at making significant progress towards a global carbon observation system by linking the European observation research initiatives relevant to carbon-cycle assessment with similar existing initiatives in other continents/countries.
DAMOCLES is designing an integrated ice-atmosphere-ocean monitoring and forecasting system, for observing, understanding and quantifying climate changes in the Arctic.
This project aims to involve developing countries in the GEONETCast initiative. It will disseminate existing environmental datasets from sources in Africa, South and Central America and Europe via GEONETCast to a range of user communities in developing countries.
ESONET is an observatory network that investigates global processes, such as the dynamics of the oceanic lithosphere and thermohaline circulation in the ocean.
EBONE is working to design and test a biodiversity observation system integrated in time and space.
As the European contribution to a Global Soil Observing System, e-SOTER will create a web-based regional pilot platform to deliver soil information that can be used directly by policy makers and managers; it will also make available the methods and techniques that have been used to create the information.
This project is developing methodologies and analytical tools to assess societal benefits of GEO in the domains of: disasters, health, energy, climate, water, weather, ecosystems, agriculture and biodiversity.
TENATSO will support pre-operational atmosphere and ocean observation capability in the tropical Eastern North Atlantic Ocean. This region has little data but plays a key role in air-sea interaction.
Its aim is to strengthen the GEOSS cooperation between EU and other key GEOSS players by jointly building up a prototype Yellow Sea observation, forecasting and information system.