Keystone to replace ESA WMS image server
(Jan 2009) The European Space Agency (ESA) is transferring the Web Mapping Services (WMS) of its satellite imagery catalogue onto Spacemetric’s Keystone server.
The move to Keystone introduces a new generation of technology that offers enhanced capabilities and new options for future extension of WMS services.
Keystone replaces the existing WMS image server (MUIS2WMS) that was developed for ESA by Spacemetric in 2004. The WMS image server provides orthocorrected image quicklooks in response to queries to the ESA catalogue of satellite data. This enables the results to be displayed in a map view by a WMS client so that relative coverage and content of each image can be reviewed in their true geographical context.
The new Keystone server will be delivered to the Agency during the first quarter of 2009.
Spacemetric at 2008 MARS Annual Conference
(Dec 2008) Spacemetric attended the 2008 MARS Annual Conference co-chairing a session on data serving and winning the conference prize for Best Software Demonstration.
Spacemetric attended the 2008 MARS Annual Conference “Geomatics in support of the CAP” held in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 3rd to 5th December 2008. This fourteenth annual conference dealt with CwRS (Control with Remote Sensing), area aid checks in general and the LPIS (Land Parcel Information System). It was jointly hosted by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia.
As part of Spacemetric’s conference participation the company’s CEO, Lars Edgardh, co-chaired the session Technical 2: Image processing, data serving together with Pär Åstrand of the JRC. Spacemetric also won the conference prize for Best Software Demonstration for Saccess, the Swedish national satellite image database and the Keystone image server that is used by customers including Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd and the European Space Agency.
Highlighted at the conference was the Community Image Data (CID) portal. The CID is a focal point for management and distribution of geospatial imagery within the JRC to which Spacemetric has made significant contributions including catalogue and image geometrical processing capabilities.
About Spacemetric
Spacemetric is a Swedish company providing image management solutions for satellite and airborne imagery. Customers include the Swedish cadastre, mapping and land registry authority, the Swedish Air Force, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. and the European Space Agency.
CONTACT: Ian Spence
TELEPHONE: +46 8 594 770 83