KSPT has won a new contract with EUMETSAT
Kongsberg Spacetec has signed a contract with EUMETSAT for the delivery of a X/L band MEOS™ Polar EARS Ground Station to Hellenic National Meteorological Service (HNMS) in Greece.
The system will be capable of receiving and processing data from the meteorological satellites Metop, NOAA, FY-3 (L- and X- band can be received simultaneously), NPP and JPSS.
For more information about the customer: EUMETSAT and the EARS network
BarentsWatch framework contract to KSPT
The Norwegian Government’s High North strategy states that the government will take the initiative to establish a comprehensive monitoring and warning system for the North. The project has been named BarentsWatch.
The main purpose of the government’s initiative is to secure a civilian monitoring of Norwegian waters, as part of an operational activity, contribute to responsible management of environment and resources, and to support the Norwegian foreign policy.
After the bidding process for prequalification of suppliers, Kongsberg Spacetec reached the highes rate on price and technical quality, and is awarded the contract to deliver the solutions for the technical framework.
“We are very pleased with the solution”, says project manager Frode Kjersem. “Kongsberg Spacetec is a rock solid company with a strong expertise in the areas we need. We look forward to good cooperation and a good result”, he says.
The Kongsberg Spacetec newsletter seeks to inform our customers and contacts about the latest news and product releases from Kongsberg Spacetec.
This issue features the:
EUMETSAT Advanced Retransmission Service (EARS) Network delivered by Kongsberg Spacetec
MEOS™ Capture 4 – New release
MEOS™ Antenna – 3.0 m to 4.3 m L/S/X-Band
in addition to the upcomming events, latest contracts, newest upgrades and latest information from Kongsberg Spacetec.
Source Spacetec