After the successful launch in 2012 of MSG-3, the latest European meteorological satellite, the spacecraft has now been moved to 0º and officially replaces Meteosat-9 as EUMETSAT´s prime geostationary weather satellite. In this context, MSG-3 has been renamed to Meteosat-10.
While all current 2met!® products and solutions fully support from the very beginning the utilization of data from Meteosat-10, SCISYS is pleased to announce that corresponding software enhancements are also available for previous 2met!® Processing software versions. New radiance tables for the calibration of Meteosat-10 data are now available.
The software updates are available for two versions:
- For 2met!® Processing versions lower than v3.2 (e.g. PUMA)
- For 2met!® Processing versions v3.2 to v3.4
The software update is available free of charge for existing SCISYS (or formerly VCS AG) customers. Please go to the Meteosat-10 update page and use the online form for your request.
For more than 25 years, our company is successfully acting in the business of earth observation and meteorological user stations as one of the leading suppliers. 2met!® is the SCISYS-developed multi-mission concept for real-time data acquisition, processing, visualisation and distribution of earth observation satellite data. It is a commercial off-the-shelf solution, based on standard hardware and software. 2met!® supports a variety of remote sensing satellites such as METEOSAT, MSG, GOES, MTSAT, NOAA, METOP, NPP and TERRA/AQUA as well as telemetry standards in line with the CCSDS recommendation.