We are specialized in satellite data management and real time satellite (raw) data processing, data quality control, image generation, projection and mosaics (composite satellite images).
Our main product, the Satellite Rapid Response System, is a multimission real-time data processing and quality control system that is able to simultaneously process data coming from several different missions. It can be used to process data from the following satellite instruments:
- ALOS – AVNIR-2 level0 (raw data) and level 1
- ENVISAT – ASAR level0 (raw data) and level1
- ENVISAT – MERIS level0 (raw data), level1 and level2
- ENVISAT – MERIS level0 and level1 FAPAR/MGVI Processor for Monitoring Vegetation Cover
- METOP/NOAA – AVHRR3 level1b
- SUOMI-NPP – VIIRS level1b
- TERRA and AQUA – MODIS level1b
The SRRS system used by ESA, called MIRAVI, has been installed in all Envisat satellite acquisition stations and has been delivering thousands of images per month since June 2006, processing the Envisat/MERIS Full Resolution raw data as soon as they are acquired.
Our current areas of activity are:
- software development
- environmental acquisition and processing systems
- data acquisition systems (ESA/DDS, Eumetsat/EUMETCAST)
- image generation from raw data, orthorectification and mosaics
We also provide services such as:
- a comprehensive maintenance and support program that provides operational support, software and hardware maintenance and enhancementsts
- technical consultancy
- feasibility, design and pre-phase studies
- system prototyping
Rapidly processing great quantities of satellite data makes it possible to generate an incredible number of Value Added Products. The SRRS post-processing systems are able to generate extremely quickly products such as:
- Mosaics (Multispectral, Radar, FAPAR, etc.)
- Interferometry
- Orthorectification
- Projection
- Export in KML/KMZ format (Google Earth)
- 2D/3D Animations
Our systems are flexible enough to permit the implementation of your processing algorithms inside our SRRS infrastructure. If you have data and/or algorithms to be processed, we can create post-processing modules in order to make that processing fast and carried out systematically on all acquired data.
Please contact us, we would be happy to suggest the best solution for processing specific to your needs.