This project was commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and Water of Republic of Bulgaria (MOEW) in reference to the implementation of the second stage of Directive 60/2007/EU, known as Floods Directive. When carrying out the project tasks, ReSAC will develop the following:
- preparation of methodology and criteria for identifying and classifying of flood risk and defining the regions with significant potential flood risk;
- preparation of methodology for mapping of regions with significant potential flood risk.
These activities should be completed by January 2013 and after that the work on mapping of regions under flood risk and hazard will begin.
The Floods Directive is published in the Water Act of Republic of Bulgaria on 6th August 2010. In the end of 2011, the first stage of its implementation was completed – preliminary flood risk assessment. As a result, places that have registered significant past floods and places with possibility to happen future significant floods, were defined. The implementation of Floods Directive has three stages:
- Preliminary flood risk assessment, as a result of which the river basins and the coastal areas are defined as regions with significant potential flood risk;
- Mapping of regions under flood risk and hazard
- Preparation of Flood Risk Management Plans.
Bulgaria has already started reporting of its activity under the EU Directive, following all the rules and frames, set in it. The country is in the beginning of the second stage of its implementation, in which Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC takes active participation.
Fig. Flood hazard mapping for Biser Village, Bulgaria. Source: ReSAC, Produced: 08.02.2012
For more information:
Remote Sensing Application center – Bulgaria