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Renewable Energy: the added value of satellite solutions for SMEs & Valuing and managing biodiversity: how satellite applications can help

Eurisy upcoming Conferences

Renewable Energy: the added value of satellite solutions for SMEs. 11 Sept. 2012, Graz, Austria

Eurisy, FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency and ICS – Internationalisierungs Center Steiermark are pleased to announce the conference they are organising on Renewable energy: The added value of satellite solutions for SMEs, to be held on 11 September 2012 in Graz, Austria. The conference will be held in the premises of the Economic Development Institute in Graz (Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut Steiermark/WIFI).

During this free one-day conference, participants will have the opportunity to learn about innovative, operational satellite applications in the renewable energy sector, through good practice examples from SMEs, and network with providers of satellite solutions, policy makers and SME representatives.


Valuing and managing biodiversity: how satellite applications can help. 18 Oct. 2012, Lille, France

Eurisy and the Region of Nord Pas de Calais are organising the conference “Valuing and managing biodiversity: how satellite applications can help” to take place in Lille, on the 18 October 2012.

The event will be an opportunity to learn, from practical examples from local and regional authorities, how satellite applications can support regional authorities in monitoring natural habitats and managing biodiversity, as well as to discuss possible mechanisms to improve the access of local and regional authorities to satellite applications, including those resulting from GMES.
