SRAL Level-1A products SRAL Level 1A Unpacked L0 Complex echos in STC and SRAL Level 1A Unpacked L0 Complex echos in NTC are unpacked L0 Complex echos.
The Sentinel-3A Product Notice, Sentinel-3A Product Notice – STM Level-1 (PDF, 822 KB), describes the Level-1 current status, processing baseline, product quality and limitations, and product availability status.
The SRAL Level-1A products can be accessed via the following means:
The new pilot Copernicus Online Data Access (CODA) service, an online rolling archive with http access. CODA can be accessed at If you are a first time user, click on ‘Sign Up’. You will then be taken to our Earth Observation Portal where you will be able to request access to CODA. If you don’t have an Earth Observation Portal (EOP) account, you will need to create one first. A CODA account will be set up for you and you will receive an email with your CODA account credentials within the next working day.
The EUMETSAT Data Centre, accessible via our Earth Observation Portal (EOP).
More information on SRAL products and accessing the data can be found on the Sentinel-3 Services Altimetry page.
For any questions, contact our EUMETSAT Service Helpdesk