NPA Group, a world leading satellite mapping company based in the UK, have combined historical ground motion information with earthquake epicentres to highlight a striking correlation between ground uplift and seismicity across the Manchester, UK. NPA in conjunction with the British Geological Survey (BGS), are assessing the significance and implications of the correlation between the seismic and satellite data observations.
Through the use of a historical archive of satellite radar data acquired by the European Space Agency (ESA), NPA employ a state-of-the-art processing technique (known as Persistent Scatterer Interferometry) to derive historical ground and structure motion measurements. Motion is derived for points known as ‘Persistent Scatterers’ which correspond to features on the ground such as buildings, bridges, motorways, and natural features such as rocky outcrops. Such information can be used to highlight ground and structure instability associated with earthquakes (as in this case), volcanic deformation, subsidence, mining, tunneling and other hazards.
NPA profile
NPA provide a comprehensive suite of Earth Observation solutions that are proven to increase the effectiveness of decision making. With growing involvement in disaster and risk management, NPA are at the forefront in the application of satellite SAR interferometry (InSAR) for ground displacement and subsidence detection. NPA also lead a pan-European project called Terrafirma, which employs this technology with the specific aim of saving lives, improving safety and reducing economic loss throughout Europe. Further information can be found at www.npagroup.com.
For general information please contact:
David Morten (Managing Director)
Tel: 01732 865023
Email: david.morten@npagroup.com