• TerraSAR-X Services available in South America
• Further Distribution Agreements under Preparation
• Spacecraft’s Launch scheduled for 2006
Friedrichshafen / Ottobrunn,
Friedrichshafen / Ottobrunn,
“With the launch of TerraSAR-X rapidly approaching, we are facing a constantly growing interest not only in the data itself”, states Andreas Kern, head of Infoterra’s TerraSAR-X Services business development team. “Around the globe, providers of remote sensing data are eager to join our distribution network. They consider the TerraSAR-X data a valuable enhancement to their established portfolios.”
The South American partners GeoSpatial in Colombia, BMP Geomática in Peru, Gtt NetCorp in Mexico, and Gtt Netcorp LA in Panama will be assuring reliable access to the new services for clients in their respective countries. Customers in Brazil will receive TerraSAR-X products and services through Engesat, Novaterra, and Imagem. Furthermore, Infoterra’s long term-partner GeoVille Information Systems GmbH, based in Innsbruck, Austria, has been appointed distribution partner for this country. All corresponding contracts have been signed during the summer months.
“We are very glad to be able to announce such a rapid growth of our distribution network, even prior to the satellite’s launch,” says Joerg Herrmann, Infoterra’s managing director. “We are convinced to have selected skilled partners, who will contribute significantly to a dependable distribution of our products and services.”
Infoterra now works towards wrapping up several additional contracts
-distribution agreements and data reception contracts alike
- which are still being negotiated. Herrmann expects to be able to finalize at least two further agreements before TerraSAR-X’s launch later in 2006.
About TerraSAR-X
TerraSAR-X is a German radar satellite scheduled for launch in 2006. The spacecraft will deliver radar remote sensing data of an unprecedented quality: 3 operational modes, one of them delivering a resolution of up to 1m, flexible beam steering, and daylight and weather independent data acquisition are only a few of TerraSAR-X’s unique abilities. The exclusive commercial exploitation rights for TerraSAR-X data lie with Infoterra GmbH. The spacecraft was realised in a public private partnership between the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and Infoterra’s parent company, Europe’s leading satellite system specialist Space GmbH.
About Infoterra
Infoterra GmbH was launched in 2001 for the purpose of exclusively pursuing the exploitation of TerraSAR-X. This allows the company to offer to its clients an extensive portfolio of TerraSAR-X based products and services, ranging from basic radar imagery to sophisticated geo-information products and thematic applications, as well as direct access services. Furthermore, Infoterra GmbH has established a leading role in providing land services within the European GMES Initiative of the European Commission (EC) and European Space Agency (ESA)
Infoterra GmbH is part of the Infoterra group which comprises companies in France, Germany and the United Kingdom with 300 employees and a turnover of 50 Mio Euro per year. Infoterra GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Space GmbH.
About BMP Geomática
Since 1995, BMP is a company dedicated to research, development, promotion and sales of GIS and remote sensing systems. BMP is committed to generating customer benefit through the efficient use of information- and Earth Observation technology in order to improve their processes and businesses.
About ENGESAT Imagens de Satélites S/C Ltda
ENGESAT is located in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Founded in 1997, the company markets satellite imagery of South America to clients worldwide. ENGESAT offers data from several satellite suppliers as well as specialized processing, including 3D modelling, to serve the geo-information market and end users. It is recognized for its extensive partner network in Brazil and South America, and for offering innovative solutions.
About GeoSpatial
GeoSpatial is a leading engineering company founded in Bogotá, Colombia, in 1997. Its team is formed by specialists in applied geomatics, consulting, innovation, and GIS solutions, providing products and services for the local and international markets.
About GeoVille Information Systems GmbH
GeoVille Information Systems GmbH is an internationally operating consulting company based in Innsbruck, Austria. It is dedicated to the complete range of value-added GI-services in the land domain. GeoVille provides consultancy, services and products in the geo-spatial domain, specializing in remote sensing and GIS applications.
About Gtt NetCorp and Gtt ImagIng
Founded in 1994 in the United States, with operational bases in Mexico and Panama, Gtt NetCorp – with its satellite imaging division Gtt ImagIng – is a leading provider of satellite imagery and related imaging software and hardware products in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Gtt NetCorp‘s staff has over 20 years experience in the design, development and implementation of leading-edge solutions.
About Imagem
Since 1986, IMAGEM has been developing customized solutions in geotechnology. IMAGEM is leader in GIS solutions and remote sensing in Latin America, with six offices in Brazil and several partners. IMAGEM also provides databases of the national territory, solutions to mobile GIS, street maps, building heights and mapping. IMAGEM serves e.g. the following markets: utilities, oil and gas, telecommunications, agriculture, logistics and transports, defence, government, environment, and finances.
About NOVATERRA Geoprocessamento e Des. de Sist. em Inf. Ltda.
NOVATERRA is a geo-processing and environmental consulting company based in Rio de Janeiro. Using satellite data and aerial photos Novaterra provides remote sensing, GIS and mapping solutions for various applications such as utilities, mining, oil & gas, environment, forest, agriculture and urban planning. Novaterra has a multidisciplinary staff developing value–added services using up-to-date technologies for the Brazilian market.
For frther information and image material, please contact :
Infoterra GmbH
Tel.: +49-7545-8-3924
Mareike Doepke
Fax.: +49-7545-8-1337
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(Source Infoterra GmbH)