The Declaration on the required public financing for the preservation and development of the European Earth Observation value-adding industry will be presented to European political institutions to be taken into account in the definition of the 7th Framework Programme financing procedures.
In particular EARSC as a European Trade Association has already begun to take professional lobbying action for the preservation and development of the EO VA Industry. In the very near future EARSC will take over the recommendations elaborated by the EOVOX project and will update you on the specific actions it is taking to coordinate these efforts. As we move forward with these plans, we will do in a dialog form, and united by a commitment to working in partnership with industry and stakeholders.
This Stakeholders Consultation Workshop has demonstrated once more that the Earth Observation and Geo-Information domains are strongly intertwined. Estimation of market revenues for one can be hardly separated from market revenues for the other.
The difficulty of developing an appropriate business model for these still emerging applications is one of the key challenges to tackle in the coming years. This is definitely an area where EARSC as a Trade Association will have a role to play and where the input from all the members will be most welcome.
We could also note in the EOVOX workshop itself that new actors in our landscape such as Microsoft and Oracle, to name just a couple of the biggest, are showing high interest in our domain, each one for its own business objectives and strategies, as expected in the real business world.
Once again I would like to invite EARSC members to join our working groups, the activities of which are essential in a time of strong evolution of our association.
Looking forward to seeing you at our next events and to receive all your comments and suggestions in the mean time.
With best regards from the Board.
EARSC Chairman
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