The drill, simulating a toxic gas leak from a tank truck, involved the participation of the local police, the fire brigade and GMV’s Healthcare Services. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) then overflew the zone to check the damage and assess the risks in the area; finally, a software tool analyzed the scope of the leak and helped in decision-taking procedures.
This drill was one of the scenarios organized by the European Commission’s R&D protect called OSIRIS, which is responsible for Europe’s standard monitoring of all types of geographically referenced phenomena based on in situ sensors, i.e., within a few-kilometer range around the object or phenomenon under observation (such as a toxic cloud, polluted water, etc). To do so it uses GPS systems and suitable measuring devices to record the information on the actual site of the event in question. This project involves the participation of over 7 countries and 14 companies.
OSIRIS has 4 specific areas (air, water, industrial fires and forest fires). GMV is one of the companies participating in this project and is in charge of organizing the air quality scenario. Italy is dealing with water quality, Germany with industrial fires and France with forest fires. During this process the results of OSIRIS’s air quality scenario have been demonstrated and assessed. The information from the OSIRIS sensors has been used for monitoring pollution levels in the city of Valladolid, keeping track of the contaminants after an emergency situation.
The objective of this project is to develop the necessary technology and software for setting up the intelligent sensor networks, thus facilitating the subsequent data analysis operations. This system will be conducive to a much more efficient management of environmental crises. Toxicity levels can now be measured in situ and the various environmental factors impinging on the event can be more accurately ascertained. Images of the situation can also be obtained. This will improve the performance protocol in each situation.
The drill was supported by the Town Council of Boecillo, keen to promote management systems for emergencies of this type, and also by the Technology Park of Boecillo, which made its site available for carrying out the drill.
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