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GMES services in the security field to be further developed

(Nov 2008) The Final Report on the Initial Period of the GMES Action Plan, which was presented on 26 November 2003, has recognised the European Civil Protection (ECP) as one of the GMES service categories and stressed the need to develop enabling e-infrastructures and virtual organisation services for specific GMES applications.

Indeed, the EU EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-Science in Europe) project provides a powerful GRID platform to implement services for specific application communities but focuses rather on technology than on services, while GMES is more user-oriented. In order to bring together these two important Communities: GMES and GRID, the CYCLOPS (CYber-Infrastructure for CiviL protection Operative ProcedureS) project focuses on the needs of ECP and thus aims at:

1. Disseminating EGEE results to the ECP Community, possibly in close relation with EGEE events, and promoting a close collaboration between the two communities;
2. Providing the EGEE Community with knowledge and requirements that characterise the ECP services;
3. Evaluating the possibility to use existing EGEE services for ECP applications;
4. Developing research strategies to enhance EGEE platform, especially for Earth sciences resources.

By establishing liaisons and synergies with other existing projects and initiatives dealing with GMES, GRID and complementary sectors, CYCLOPS will contribute to the EU policy developments.

In the framework of CYCLOPS, a workshop named ‘Towards a European e-Infrastructure for Civil Protections’ will take place on 5 December 2008 in Rome. The main objective of this workshop is to discuss the innovations necessary to build a unified e-Infrastructure for Civil Protection applications in Europe, whilst involving the Civil Protection, the Geospatial and the GRID communities. Amongst others, the current status of GMES and the applications of downstream services to fires and floods will be discussed.

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