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GISAT – making better decision about our environment

Gisat operates since 1990 as the first privately run remote sensing and geoinformation service company in the Czech Republic. The company brings to its domestic and international clients complete portfolio of services starting from satellite data and geomatics software distribution, through specialized image and GIS data processing and analysis, up to advanced geoinformation products and applications. Gisat has long-term experiences with management of international cooperation as well as good understanding of specific environmental situation in the CEE countries.

Gisat is incorporated in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Since its beginning the company is committed to provide its clients with wide range of value added, complete, high quality and ‘state-of-the-art’ geoinformation services using the Earth Observation technology.
Satellite Data Distribution
Based on the long-term partnership with all existing world-wide satellite data providers Gisat represents the centre point for all clients interested in satellite data acquisition. Before the satellite data are ordered and supplied any client can take advantage of consultancy and advisory services related to the choice of proper data, recommended processing and integration with existing tools and databases. Thanks to the extensive experiences with the exploitation of satellite imagery Gisat can guarantee cost effective and straightforward solution adapted for each particular client needs.
Products & Services
Gisat is dedicated to provide its partners and clients with broad range of standard and user tailored products and services using the advanced technology of remote sensing and GIS. All methods applied are updated and improved according to the recent developments in the EO domain worldwide and verified in cooperation with both domestic and foreign institutions, such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Environmental Agency (EEA), the Joint Research Centre of the EU (JRC), the Czech Academy of Science and dozen of national and European Universities and Research Labs.
- data acquisition
EO data, topographic & thematic maps, statistical data, thematic data, databases, …
- data level products (data processing)
scanning & georeferencing of paper maps, airborne and satellite data orthorectification & mosaicking, DEM generation (stereophotogrammetry, interferometry), interpretation & classification of airborne and satellite images, 3D vector extraction, …
- information level products (data analysis)
topographic & thematic mapping, map updating, landscape change mapping & analysis, 3D city models, …
- GIS development & modeling
GIS database creation & integration, raster & vector modeling, spatial analysis, suitability analysis, topographic analysis, …
- geo-information assessment
environmental accounting, environmental & agricultural indicators development, water & urban management support, environmental & agricultural monitoring, …
- consulting, advising, training
proposal preparation & project management, EO data processing & applications, GIS management, user tailored training, …
Synthesis map showing land cover change intensity in 20 years in selected CEE countries
Gisat activities cover various application areas with the common focus to improve decision making by involving various geospatial data into crucial processes.
- environment, land cover/land use mapping and change analyses, soil erosion modeling, air & water pollution, …
- agriculture, crop monitoring, crop acreages estimation, agrometeorological modeling, crop yield forecasting, subsidy control, precision farming, …
- urban studies/spatial planning, urban mapping, baseline maps, multi-criteria based optimalization, resource-demand tasks, …
- defense, security, hazards
map update, terrain analysis, flood monitoring, multi-criteria risk analysis, …
- earth exploration
oil & gas exploration, water resource detection, geological mapping, …
- forestry
forest mapping & inventories, change detection, damage analyses, …
- infrastructure
GIS based management and planning, transport corridors mapping & monitoring, …
- other
tailored geo-services/products for specific clients
Morfotectonic map for a proposed DGR site for nuclear waste in the Czech Republic
Global experience
Based on the long-term presence on the domestic and European geospatial market, through its portfolio of products and services and thanks to extensive experiences from the past projects Gisat has established sustainable and reliable partnerships with its clients and partners. Since the foundation in 1990 Gisat has successfully created its reputation inside the country as well as abroad. Based on long time experiences of the key staff personnel the company has accomplished about 100 projects in almost 50 countries worldwide.
GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) is the principal European initiative supported by the European Commission and the European Space Agency to boost up European EO related business answering growing demand for various geo-spatial data and services from European and regional users.
Gisat is involved in wide range of GMES related projects and activities and the company is ranked among the top European service providers in the two of three priority thematic domains: Land Monitoring and Emergency Response.
Gisat experts have been involved for more than a decade in unique European mapping programme (CORINE Land Cover) and related activities including land accounting and indicator development. Since 2001 Gisat is a member of the international consortium (ETC-TE, ETC-LUSI) assisting the European Environment Agency (EEA) in its attempts to achieve sustainable development and to improve our environment. This team includes a valuable expertise in Europe to analyze the environmental data with regards to developments in society and the economy and with regards to various environmental and sectoral policies. Gisat is also a member of the European technical team implementing CLC2000 and CLC2006 mapping campaigns.
Gisat news in 2007
Gisat responds to Emergency Response
Gisat joins the ESA GMES GSE RESPOND project as the service provider partner.
Fast-Tracking urban sprawl
Gisat is a member of the European service provider network mapping urban sprawl and soil sealing for Europe by 2008 in challenging project awarded by the European Environment Agency (EEA).
Gisat makes it REAL
REmote sensing identification and monitoring of Abandoned Land project aims to explore potential of the state-of-the-art remote sensing techniques for monitoring of land abandonment in the Czech Republic.
Gisat has landed in GSE Land
Gisat joins the ESA GMES GSE Land project as the service provider partner.
Gisat leads TLCC project
TLCC project aims to create the automated land cover classification methodology in the frame of the National Space Program of Ukraine as part of Ukrainian GMES segment.
ETC-LUSI succeeds to ETC-TE
Gisat was named as one of the key member of the European consortium that won in a prestigious tender launched by the European Environmental Agency (EEA).
CGMS Calibration Platform
In the frame of four-year JRC ASEMARS project Gisat takes over the responsibility for testing of Crop Calibration Platform inside the MCYFS (MARS Crop Yield Forecasting system).
Charkovská 7, 101 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 271 741 935
Fax: +420 271 741 936
(Source Gisat)