GeoVille, together with two partners of the European Topic Centre on Land Use Information, will be responsible for training and capacity building in the region. Further tasks are related to verification and acceptance of the CLC2006 update for Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
The interpretation of land cover changes in Albania will be carried out by GeoVille Information Systems Gmbh in collaboration with local experts.
GeoVille sàrl has already finished the update of Corine Land Cover for 2006 in Luxembourg. The project encompassed the detection, identification and mapping of all land cover changes above 5 ha between 2000 and 2006. Main changes are related to the regrowth of 2200 ha forested areas after the 1999 winter storm (Lothar) and conversion of about 700 ha to artificial surfaces.
About Geoville
GeoVille is an internationally operating company providing consultancy, services and products related to remote sensing, geo-information and geographic information systems. GeoVille provides value-added services in the land domain with focus on urban, regional and spatial planning applications, environmental surveillance, forestry as well as biodiversity.
Since its establishment in 1998 GeoVille has established a broad international customer base and successfully participated in more than 250 national and international projects located in 45 countries around the world. Registered offices are in Innsbruck, Austria and Mertert, Luxembourg.
GeoVille is certified as a CO2 neutral company.
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