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Geosystems Polska Sp. z.o.o.

GEOSYSTEMS Polska Ltd. is remote sensing/photogrammetry and LIS/GIS consultancy and laboratory involved in various types of geographic data processing, spatial analysis and geovisualisation.


• Satellite Image Mapping, Thematic Mapping and Rapid Response Mapping (Environmental Applications, Forestry, Agrometeorology, Watershed Management, Spatial Planning, etc.)
• Land Cover/Use Classification (Information Extraction, Interpretation, Terrain Analysis)
• Geographic Information Analysis of Raster and Vector Data (Spatial Analysis/Modeling)
• Creation of Digital Terrain Models (Softcopy Photogrammetry)
• Automatic Digital Map Composition (Hardcopy Map Output)
ARC/INFO Vector Updating (Using Imagery as a Backdrop Information)
• Imaging GIS Application (virtual reality+) and Visualisation of Terrain Information (draping vector and raster data over a terrain height model, accessing atribute information for spatial analysis, real-time 3-dimensional geovisualisation and fly-through of the proposed site, etc.).
PDA Car Navigation and Monitoring Systems

In 1995 GEOSYSTEMS Polska Ltd. was set up as a small private IT enterprise with intension to specialise in geographic imaging and respond to growing demands for up-to-date, highly accurate and reliable spatial information indispensable for planners, developers and decision-makers. It was a sister company of GEOSYSTEMS GmbH (Munich) but used no venture capital, credits nor loans and debts. From the very beginning it acted as an official distributor of ERDAS GIS software in Poland and then as an authorised distributor of satellite imagery from such vendors as:

RADARSAT (Radar imagery)
Infoterra Global (TerraSAR X)
Digital Globe (QuickBird)
KIBERSO (TK-350, KVR-1000)

Good ideas, dedication, hard work, a lot of effort and luck made it possible to survive for almost 10 years on the emerging Polish and international remote sensing and GIS market. Today, GEOSYSTEMS is still a SME with its own Geoinformation Training Centre and regional office in Wrocław. Since 2001 it acts as a partner of LEICA GEOSYSTEMS GIS & Mapping Division and since June 2003 as distributor of eCognition image processing system (DEFINIENS GmbH). Its core business remain unchanged and concerns operational geographic imaging, geodata generation, applied geographic modelling, delivering services and products for e.g. the biggest Polish telecoms, environmental and agricultural institutions. Since 1995 it carried out several international and domestic R&D but mainly production-oriented projects (industry).

One of the first and most challenging project was initiated in1995 within the EU PHARE MERA program and was related to the mapping of land degradation and assessment of the soil erosion risk in Poland. Sucessfully completed in 1996 contributed to built up an extensive expertise and company “know how” used later on for designing and implementation of special-purpose “Integrated Information System for the Polish Agricultural Production Areas” as well as for many other projects related to mapping and imaging of environmentally sensitive areas (e.g. agricultural “hot-spots”, military training areas, inventory of flooding hazard, etc.).

The company continues its work in the field of remote sensing, GIS analysis and geographic imaging in urban and rural areas.


The following GIS applications were developed in our firm since 1995:

• the first Polish operational navigation system AutoMapa
• 3D city models (all biggest Polish cities)
• Iraq 2003 – delivery of satellite imagery and visualisation system for TV broadcast (cooperation with the biggest Polish press agencies)
• K2 Mapping – 2003 (Polish expedition’s mapping support, Quick processing of satellite data, generation of the DTM, Visualisation in the Polish National TV programs)
• Conceptual Design of the Tatra National Park GIS
EKOPOL – selected elements for ecological layer of Polish Digital Map
• Geoinformation Visualising Tools for Military Applications for Polish Army
• Integrated Information System for Agricultural Production Areas in Poland
• Geoinformation Support for Polish Flood-Prevention Commitee (1997)
MARS MERA Land Degradation Mapping
GIS for the Kaliningrad City

GEOSYSTEMS Polska Ltd. has been involved in several international and domestic R&D projects. Some of them are listed below:

• Orthophotomapping and DTM generation for the Polish IACS
• Sub-Alpine Forest Change Detection in Tatra Mts.
• Design of KarnelGuard ™ Vehicle Monitoring System
• Land cover/use mapping for telcommunication applications
• Land cover/use mapping based on Landsat TM and IRS imagery
• Cyber Cities – 3D Visualisation of major Polish urban areas
• Resolution merge as a mean to improve classification results
PHARE MERA project (extension of JRS-ISPRA activities in remote sensing of agriculture, forests and land degradation to central Europe)

The company maintains close professional contacts with major Polish academic (scientific and educational) institutions including National Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Centre (OPOLIS) of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Science, Institute of Soils, Crops and Fertilisation, Forest Research Institute, State Geological Institute, etc. as well as with all major universities in the country.

Since July 2003 acts as a member and co-founder of the Virtual Institute of the Sustainable Development.

Geographic Imaging in Poland. Examples of the operational applications from a small company perspective

Geographical Imaging. Examples of operational applications in Poland – Security

Geographic imaging in Poland presentation 1

Geographic imaging in Poland presentation 2

GEOSYSTEMS Polska Sp. z o.o.
(Geospatial Laboratory&Consultancy)
ul. Smolna 38, lok. 5
00-375 Warsaw, Poland
tel./fax (+48 22) 851-11-66,