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Fugro Updates Alaska Statewide Mapping

Fugro EarthData announced last week it has delivered the first tiles of updated orthoimagery and digital elevation model (DEM) for the Alaska Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative’s (SDMI) multi-year program to develop new mapping of the entire state

Frederick,MD — Funded under a state and federal cost partnership, the goal of the SDMI is to provide new and improved base mapping that can be used by many organizations to include local, state, tribal, and federal governments; businesses; and the scientific research community. New, up-to-date statewide geospatial information will directly contribute to a broad range of applications from aviation safety, to infrastructure planning, to natural resources management.

The Statewide Imagery Acquisition project is coordinated by AeroMetric with Astrium providing the source satellite imagery. Deliverables include digital color and infrared orthoimagery at 2.5 m pixel resolution. The Alaska Mid-Accuracy DEM update project is coordinated by Dewberry through a contract with the U.S. Geological Survey and will deliver a 5m-posted DEM and orthorectified radar imagery across the state.

“Fugro’s role on both the orthoimage and DEM mapping programs of the Alaska SDMI demonstrates our ability to meet a broad range of user needs through the use of cutting-edge technology,” said Ed Saade, president of Fugro EarthData, adding: ““These projects reinforce Fugro’s decades-long position as a leading survey services provider in Alaska and the Arctic region.”

Fugro EarthData, Inc. provides a full range of mapping and GIS services to support customer needs in a wide variety of natural resource management, urban planning, economic development, defense, and engineering activities.

Fugro EarthData is a member of the international Fugro group of companies. Fugro is listed on Euronext N.V. in Amsterdam and is included in the Amsterdam Midkap index. Fugro has over 275 offices, more than 13,500 staff and a permanent presence in over 50 countries.
