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Experience the benefits of climate services

Gisat participates in the CLIMATE-FIT project aiming at implementation & demonstration of urban climate services in Europe.

Urban areas are very vulnerable to climate change impacts, because of the high concentration of people, infrastructure, and economic activity, but also because cities tend to exacerbate climate extremes such as heat waves and flash floods. The objective of the CLIMATE-FIT project is to establish a service that translates the best available scientific urban climate data into relevant information for public and private end-users operating in cities.

This will be achieved by demonstrating the benefits of urban climate information to relevant end user communities, considering service components in the following domains: Climate and Health, Building Energy, Emergency Planning, Urban Planning, Active Mobility, and Cultural Heritage.

During the first phase of the 30-month project, end users (which are included as partners) and climate service providers will be involved in the co-design/-development of six concrete sectoral cases and in the demonstration to relevant end user communities. Each of these cases will be subject to a detailed socio-economic impact analysis, quantifying the benefits of using urban climate information. The second phase of the project will focus on upscaling and market replication, initially aiming at the extension with six new cases, involving new (non-financed) end-users. Through a business development strategy, supported by dissemination and marketing activities, the project aims at demonstrating the long-term market viability of the service.

In the longer run, CLIMATE-FIT aims at a genuine market uptake of urban climate services, based on a distributed network of local business intermediaries throughout Europe, enhancing the awareness for urban climate-related issues in the end-user community, and converting (mature) research results into tailored added-value information, thus removing important barriers for the deployment of urban climate services.

Gisat is responsible for the implementation of Urban Planning service. The development will be done in close cooperation with cities of Prague, Ostrava and Hodonin and it will target to cover wide range of their information needs related to climate change:

  • Assessment of the city’s potential for further development with respect to the threats of urban climate change;
  • Monitoring and prediction of the urban microclimate (action versus non-action impacts);
  • Impact assessment of densification of urban development versus the resilience to urban climate change;
  • Assessment of existing urban greenfields to mitigate urban heat waves;
  • Modelling of city development and the associated urban cooling capacity towards various climate change scenarios.

The service implementation will also include the development of web based tool to enable dedicated tailored scenario analysis based on climate change modelling and varying urban land use datasets, and representing different city development strategies.

CLIMATE-FIT / PUCS is funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, SC5-01-2016-2017: Exploiting the added value of climate services. The project begun in June 2017 and will run for 2.5 years, until November 2019. The project consortium is led by VITO (Belgium) and it is composed of 14 organizations.

Gisat provides wide range of geoinformation services based on Earth Observation technology. It focuses on operational application of satellite mapping to monitor various aspects of our environment and development of dedicated web based platforms for geoinformation analysis and assessment
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