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Events Spring 2011

Events Spring 2011

Start Date End Date Event Web Venue
10-apr-11 14-apr-11 Geospatial Soutions Conference 2011 web Dallas, U.S.A.
10-apr-11 15-apr-11 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment web Sydney, Australia
11-apr-11 12-apr-11 Energy Efficiency for Business web London, UK
11-apr-11 13-apr-11 EUMETSAT/ESA Scatterometer Science Conference 2011 web Darmstadt, Germany
11-apr-11 13-apr-11 JURSE 2011 – Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event web Munich, Germany
11-apr-11 13-apr-11 EARSeL 7th Workshop of EARSeL Special Interest Group “Imaging Spectroscopy” web Edinburgh, UK
11-apr-11 13-apr-11 Spaceborne Scatterometer Science Conference web Darmstadt, Germany
12-apr-11 16-apr-11 Symposium on Space-Time Integration in GIS and GIScience web Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
13-apr-11 14-apr-11 IDER 2011 web Florence, Italy
13-apr-11 15-apr-11 V Anniversary International Conference “Remote Sensing – the Synergy of High Technologies” web Moscow, Rusia
18-apr-11 18-apr-11 Integrating Sensor-Web and Web-based Geoprocessing – workshop @ AGILE 2011 web Utrecht, the
18-apr-11 21-apr-11 14th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science web Utrecht, the
18-apr-11 23-apr-11 3rd iLEAPS International Science Conference web Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
19-apr-11 21-apr-11 4th Italian gvSIG Conference web Udine, Italy
19-apr-11 23-apr-11 Fringe Workshop 2011 web Frascati, Italy
20-apr-11 22-apr-11 3rd International Conference on Advanced Space Technologies for Humankind Prosperity (Space Technologies: present and future) web Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
25-apr-11 29-apr-11 SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing web Orlando, Fl, U.S.A.
27-apr-11 29-apr-11 GEO-Siberia 2011 web Novosibirsk, ITE Siberian Fair, Russia
01-may-11 05-may-11 ASPRS 2011 Annual Conference web Milwaukee,U.S.A.
03-may-11 08-may-11 Gi4DM 2011 web Antalya, Turkey
08-may-11 11-may-11 ISCRAM 2011 web Lisbon, Portugal
09-may-11 11-may-11 Global Space and Satellite Forum (GSSF) web Abu Dhabi, UAE
09-may-11 13-may-11 Wildfire 2011 web Sun City, South Africa
10-may-11 11-may-11 IF&GIS 2011 5th International Workshop on Information Fusion and Geographical Information Systems: Towards the Digital Ocean web Brest, France
10-may-11 12-may-11 2011 Smallworld EMEAI Conference web Salzburg, Austria
10-may-11 13-may-11 World Reconstruction Conference web Geneva, Switzerland
10-may-11 13-may-11 1st International Geomatics Symposium ‘Geomatics Technologies in the City’ web Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
12-may-11 13-may-11 Let’s embrace space – FP7 space conference 2011 web Budapest, Hungary
15-may-11 17-may-11 TRANS-NAV 2011 web Gdynia, Poland
16-may-11 17-may-11 Esri UK Annual Conference web London, UK
16-may-11 18-may-11 Hyperspectral Imaging Conference (HSI 2011) web Glasgow, UK
18-may-11 19-may-11 European Demand Response and Dynamic Pricing web London, UK
18-may-11 20-may-11 REAL CORP 2011 web Westphalia, Germany
18-may-11 22-may-11 FIG Working Week – Bridging the Gap Between Cultures web Marrakech, Morocco
19-may-11 20-may-11 GIS in Central Asia Conference 2011 web Almaty, Kazakhstan
23-may-11 25-may-11 20th Ozone World Congress and 6th Ultraviolet World Congress web Paris, France
23-may-11 26-may-11 Be Together: The Bentley User Conference web Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
23-may-11 27-may-11 MACC Conference on Monitoring and Forecasting Atmospheric Composition web Utrecht, The Netherlands
24-may-11 25-may-11 The Location Business Summit web Amsterdam, The Netherlands
26-may-11 27-may-11 In-situ Environmental Monitoring and Policy Symposium web Gent, Belgium
26-may-11 27-may-11 FP7 Space and GMES Initial Operations Symposium: opportunities and networking 2011-2013 web Lisbon, Portugal
30-may-11 02-jun-11 31st EARSeL Symposium “Remote Sensing and Geoinformation not only for Scientific Cooperation” web Prague, Czech Republic
31-may-11 01-jun-11 3rd EARSeL Workshop on Remote Sensing in Education and Training web Prague, Czech Republic
31-may-11 02-may-11 AfricaGEO web Capetown, SA
31-may-11 03-may-11 Optech’ s Innovative Lidar Solutions Conference 2011 web Toronto, Canada
01-jun-11 02-jun-11 2nd Annual Geospatial Intelligence Summit web Budapest, Hungary
01-jun-11 03-jun-11 4th EARSeL Workshop on Remote Sensing for Land Use & Land Cover web Prague, Czech Republic
01-jun-11 03-jun-11 5th EARSeL Workshop on Remote Sensing of the Coastal Zone web Prague, Czech Republic
02-jun-11 03-jun-11 1st EARSeL SIG Forestry workshop: Operational remote sensing in forest management web Prague, Czech Republic
03-jun-11 05-jun-11 ICMG 2011 web Iasi, Romania
05-jun-11 11-jun-11 Summer Institute on “Volunteered Geographic Information” web Florence, Italy
06-jun-11 09-jun-11 HEXAGON 2011, Building a Smarter World (Leica, ERDAS, Intergraph & Hexagon Metrology) web Orlando, U.S.A.
07-jun-11 10-jun-11 TIEMS 18th Annual Conference 2011 web Bucharest, Romania
08-jun-11 10-jun-11 The Power of The Image The British Cartographic Society Annual Symposium web Cheshire, U.K.
12-June-11 14-June-11 International conference, space security through the transatlantic partnership web Prague, Czech Republic
13-jun-11 17-jun-11 URISA Leadership Academy web St Louis MO, USA
14-jun-11 15-jun-11 Geointelligence Asia 2011 web New Delhi, India
14-jun-11 17-jun-11 AIMS 2011 web Aachen, Germany
14-jun-11 17-jun-11 WG IV/2 Workshop ‘High Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information’ web Hannover, Germany
15-jun-11 16-jun-11 Navigation Strategies Europe 2011 web Berlin, Germany
15-jun-11 17-jun-11 TRANS-NAV 2011 web Gdynia, Poland
15-jun-11 17-jun-11 GEOINFORMATIK 2011 – GEOCHANGE web Münster, Germany
16-jun-11 17-jun-11 GMES for Climate Change web Helsinki, Finland
19-jun-11 22-jun-11 World Conference on Disaster Management – WCDM2011 web Toronto, Canada
19-jun-11 25-jun-11 11th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geo-Conference and Expo – SGEM 2011 web Albena, Bulgaria
22-jun-11 23-jun-11 The Geodetic Infrastructure in Europe web Umea, Sweden
22-jun-11 24-jun-11 11th SEASC 2011 and 13th ISC 2011 web Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
27-jun-11 30-jun-11 GIS in Public Health Conference web Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
27-jun-11 01-jul-11 INSPIRE Conference 2011 web Edinburgh, UK
27-jun-11 08-july-11 Summer School on “Spatial Data Infrastructure for environmental datasets” EnviSDI web Salzburg, Austria
27-jun-11 08-july-11 GISLERS Summer School 2011 web Salzburg, Austria
28-jun-11 29-jun-11 Symposium on Environmental Protection and Planning (ISEPP): Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) Applications web Izmir, Turkey
30-jun-11 30-jun-11 EARSC AGM web Brussels, Belgium
29-jun-11 01-july-11 ICSDM 2011 and BJ-IWGIS 2011 web Fuzhou, China
03-july-11 08-july-11 ICC 2011 – 25th International Cartographic Conference web Paris, France
05-july-11 08-july-11 GI Forum web Salzburg, Austria
09-july-11 12-july-11 ESRI Survey Summit web San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
11-july-11 15-july-11 Esri UC web San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
05-aug-11 06-aug-11 Health GIS 2011 web New Delhi, India
09-aug-11 11-aug-11 The 2011 International Symposium on Image and Data Fusion web Yunnan, China
15-aug-11 18-aug-11 URISA/NENA Addressing Conference web New Orleans, LA, U.S.A.
15-aug-11 19-aug-11 AGSE 2011 “Geoinformation for a better world” web Nairobi, Kenya
21-aug-11 25-aug-11 SPIE Optics + Photonics 2011 web San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
21-aug-11 27-aug-11 World Water Week “Responding to Global Change – Water in an Urbanising World” web Stockholm, Sweden
23-aug-11 25-aug-11 ISDE7 web Perth, Australia
29-aug-11 31-aug-11 ISPRS Laser Scanning 2011 Workshop web Calgary, Canada
05-sep-11 07-sep-11 SoC2011: Society of Cartographers’ 47th Annual Summer School web Plymouth, U.K.
05-sep-11 08-sep-11 “CoastGis 2011 – Marine and Coastal Spatial Planning” web Oostende, Belgium
05-sep-11 09-sep-11 IAMG 2011 (Mathematical Geosciences at the Crossroads of theory and practice) web Salzburg, Austria
07-sep-11 09-sep-11 BioMarine Business Convention web Nantes & Saint-Nazaire, France
12-sep-11 14-sep-11 GIS in Public Transportation Conference web St. Petersburg, FL, U.S.A.
12-sep-11 16-sep-11 FOSS4G 2011 web Denver, CO, U.S.A.
13-sep-11 15-sep-11 Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference, 2011 web Bournemouth University, UK
13-sep-11 15-sep-11 Middle East Geospatial Summit web Doha, Qatar
15-sep-11 16-sep-11 III Symposium on Earth Observation web Paris, France
19-sep-11 21-sep-11 International Congress Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization
web Istanbul, Turkey
19-sep-11 22-sep-11 11th International Scientific and Technical Conference “From imagery to map: digital photogrammetric technologies” web Tossa de Mar, Spain
21-sep-11 23-sep-11 Space Access International Conference web Paris, France
27-sep-11 29-sep-11 Intergeo 2011 web Nuremberg, Germany
28-sep-11 30-sep-11 UDMS 2011 28th Urban Data Management Symposium web Delft, The Netherlands
05-oct-11 07-oct-11 CEM 2011 web Prague, Czech Republic
11-oct-11 12-oct-11 EMEC Europa web Munich, Germany
12-oct-11 14-oct-11 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality web Coimbra, Portugal
16-oct-11 20-oct-11 SilviLaser 2011 web University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia
26-oct-11 28-oct-11 2011 Esri European User Conference EFEMA web Madrid, Spain
01-nov-11 04-nov-11 GIS-Pro 2011: URISA’s 49th Annual Conference for GIS Professionals web Indianapolis, IN, U.S.A.
08-nov-11 09-nov-11 SPAR Europe/Plant-Tech 2011 web The Netherlands
14-nov-11 17-nov-11 ASPRS 2011 Fall Pecora Conference web Herndon, WV, U.S.A
14-nov-11 18-nov-11 UGI 2011 – Regional Geographic Conference web Chile
23-nov-11 25-nov-11 JRC MARS Conference, Tallinn web Tallin, Estonia
28-nov-11 02-dec-11 The Earth from space – the most effective solutions web Vatutinki RC, Moscow Region, Russia
29-nov-11 02-dec-11 Earth observation for ocean-atmosphere interactions science web Frascati, Italy
23-jan-12 26-jan-12 DGI 2012 web London, UK
07-may-12 09-may-12 4th International Conference on GEographic Object Based Image Analysis – GEOBIA 2012 web Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Event calendar published Mid April 2011