The new elected Board will take to heart to carry out these transformations hand in hand with all members willing to take an active part in this evolution. I would like in passing to express again our congratulations to our two new Vice-Chairmen, Nick Faller from INFOTERRA and Han Wensink from ARGOSS, and to express our deepest appreciation to Stigbjorn Olovsson who served for several years officially as Vice-Chairman but more to me as Co-Chairman. For once I would like indeed to take this opportunity to stress the role of our Board of Directors. It is essential indeed that our members know about the dedication and competence of all those who are defending their interests through so many internal Board and Working Group meetings, as well as in external meetings with the EU, ESA, and remote sensing events of all kinds to name just a few. While several member companies have recently joined the various Working Groups showing their understanding of the key issues, the door is still wide open for new initiatives from the members.
One of the highlights of the coming year, where members participation both in organization and in presentations would be expected, is the next Annual EARSC event which will take place in the Spring 2008 and focusing on the key question “Is GMES an Opportunity for the Service Industry?”. You are all invited to take note of this opportunity to express your views and present your know-how to potential users and customers, and to contact our Executive Secretary at your earliest convenience to explore participation options.
In the mean time several important meetings are scheduled with the European Union and the European Space Agency, in particular the final review of the EOVOX process, that many of you had a chance to follow closely during the past couple of years and which converged towards the Evolution plan mentioned earlier.
With best wishes to all our readers.
Paul Kamoun
EARSC Chairman