On the 26 June 2018, during the EARSC Annual Cocktail, the Award this year went to Dust Frequency Maps (DFMs) by SILEX CLOUDS which provides an historical analysis of Dust storm occurrences over the last 12 years. It is focused mainly in MENA region and oriented to assist the management of PV Solar Parks under dust/sand conditions that daily affect the performance of solar panels energy projections and effective production.
The Dust Load Index use the base of historical/statistical analysis from the processing of thermal bands, evidencing an estimation of dust charge.
This product will support SDGs related to Energy (improving the efficiency in the management of the renewable energy infrastructures and best potential locations), Climate Change (identifying changing weather patterns and with the full DMS the real time monitoring of extreme dust storm events) and finally sustainable cities & communities (by helping to deal with challenges related to cities infrastructures and services, as transport system)
This innovative product seeks to support informed decisions leveraging EO, with analysis/models. Data for validation of nowcasts/forecasts contributing to measure and monitor progress in SDGs addressing developing countries.
Pablo Marzialetti “As a CEO of Silex Clouds S.R.L. I’m very glad and honoured that our solution on Dust Frequency Maps was recognized by EARSC and rewarded with the ‘European EO Product Award 2018’. I strongly believe that our service could support the accomplishment of the 2030 SDGs. I am convinced that this noticeable award will leverage our company, and that EARSC endorsement will enable us to bring our solution to its Final Users. Overall it is very innovative products for the MENA countries”
About SILEX Clouds:
The SILEX Clouds project is centered on the provision of valuable information derived from complex satellite image processing techniques and GIS procedures, in near real time (NRT) and in interoperable formats. More info at www.silexclouds.com