Today, DRAXIS is a dynamic company that focuses on developing real life environmental and agricultural ICT solutions and providing specialized environmental consultation services. Passionate about applying ICT, DRAXIS uses, combines and integrates remote sensing technologies, compound algorithms, GIS and different data sources to build multi-functional web-based platforms and mobile applications, decision making tools, crowdsourcing platforms, workflow systems and other software solutions.
Leveraging its unique know-how and expertise on the environmental and agricultural sectors, DRAXIS anticipates market needs and develops state-of-the-art solutions for the private and public sectors at local, national and European levels. The solutions provided mainly target the fields of environment, agriculture, air quality, citizen science, weather forecasting, e-government.
Having an experienced diverse pool of professionals, DRAXIS puts a great deal of effort into its own research, so as to keep up with the latest scientific advances; this, coupled with its active involvement in European and National research projects, enables the company to develop solutions and services that help users to address challenges and customers to explore new business opportunities. The implementation of several research projects, brought into DRAXIS valuable experience, so in the last 5-8 years the company has created a new department and has entered the field of Earth Observation. As part of its expertise and involvement in R&D projects, DRAXIS delivers products and services that make use of EO data for the agricultural and the air quality sector.
A. Services for the Air Quality Sector
Air pollution is one of the major environmental challenges of the present age that poses threat to human health. Having years of expertise in this field, DRAXIS develops ICT solutions that help citizens, industries and governments to monitor and forecast the air pollution levels and tackle their negative impacts.
Envi4All is a service built by DRAXIS to provide direct access to targeted, localised, and easy –to-understand information on air quality (current, forecast, and historical), making use of diverse sources of large datasets of open data on air quality, including Earth Observation data. Envi4All is offered through a mobile application and an API service, while the forecast methodology was developed by DRAXIS using CAMS products, official air quality measurements and data from IoT sensors. Personalized recommendations and alerts for poor air quality conditions are providing to citizens according to their needs and sensitivities, while businesses can provide added value services by using and integrating the Envi4All forecast in their offerings.
DRAXIS also participates in the Horizon2020 project AirQast that builds a self-sustainable platform providing air quality services based on Earth Observation data. The services that will be developed in the framework of the project include monthly updated regional emissions at 1km resolution using top-down observations, street level air quality maps taking into account the meteorological conditions and local emissions, advanced hourly air quality forecasts, and decision-making tools to manage air quality events. The AirQast project envisions building a one-stop portal platform containing tools and functionalities that facilitate and simplify the access, visualization and management of air quality data for commercial and policy purposes.
B. Services for Agriculture
Crop management is a quite difficult and continuing challenge for small and large farm holdings, agri-food companies and public agencies responsible for delivering the agricultural policy. DRAXIS uses its expertise both in the agricultural and the ICT sector and combines different technologies to develop software solutions and services that make farm management more efficient and the implementation of agricultural policy simpler. Today, DRAXIS coordinates two H2020 earth observation projects, APOLLO and RECAP, aiming to make the big step from providing geospatial services for the environmental sector to providing earth observation services for the agricultural sector.
Operational Crop Advisory Services
APOLLO is a commercial platform that provides a suite of EO based farm management advisory services designed to address the needs of small farmers, agricultural cooperatives and agricultural consultants. The core application is a web-based platform with GIS capabilities, which is accessible using all operating systems. The platform is complemented by a mobile application, designed to assist agricultural consultants to conduct tasks in the field related to the APOLLO platform.
ICT Solutions for the Common Agricultural Policy
RECAP is a commercial platform (cloud-based Software as a Service – provided as a web-based and mobile/tablet application) that integrates satellite remote sensing and user-generated data into added value services for farmers, public authorities and agricultural consultants. RECAP responds to the Common Agricultural Policy monitoring challenges, allowing a remote compliance control system for specific rules of Cross-Compliance and Greening, providing advanced manual and fully automatic hybrid Earth Observation (EO) techniques combined with user-generated data (geotagged and timestamped photos).
Following the successful implementation of a number of R&D National and European projects, the next steps for DRAXIS are to bring the developed solutions into the relevant markets and thrive. Additionally, the company aims in establishing fruitful synergies for new R&D projects and ideas, so as to extent its current market portfolio of EO powered applications to other sectors like water management, circular economy, waste and climate change mitigation.
“As the founder of the company and the CEO for almost 15 years I would urge other entrepreneurs to always keep a high standard in their work no matter how tight the projects are. Hard work and High quality in the final deliverables never failed anybody!” Evangelos Kosmidis (Founder of DRAXIS ENVIRONMENTAL SA)