Deadline: 11 May 2012
GMES gradually moves towards operations. This materialises through the launch an increasing number of projects by DG Enterprise and Industry on this theme. The concerned projects will provide, using earth observation data processed at different stages, value-added services and products in the all GMES areas. The purpose of this call is to establish a reserve list of experts whose role is to assist the Commission Services in the evaluation and monitoring of projects in the frame of the GMES initiative, and/or the assessment/validation of products/services offered by those projects. The list of experts will be valid for 3 years from the date of publication of this notice. Any interested candidate may submit an application at any time up to 3 months before the end of its period of validity.
Call for expression of interest PDF (63 Kb) English (en) (EN)
Application form PDF (15 Kb) English (en) (EN)