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Call for contributions to global workshop on spatial data and map quality

Experts in spatial data and map quality are being invited to take part in an international workshop being held at the Old University, Valletta, Malta from 20 to 21 January 2015.

The workshop is co-organized by EuroGeographics Quality Knowledge Exchange Group, the European Location Framework (ELF) Project, International Organization for Standardisation (ISO), OGC and EuroSDR.

Papers on a range of topics including quality evaluation, certification and standards are sought by the programme committee which comprises members of the organizing organizations and other international experts.

The two-day event will include an update on the data quality validation service being delivered by the ELF project. Participants will also investigate the need for the further development and application of the metadata and quality standards created by ISO TC 211.

Abstracts should be between 500 and 1000 words and submitted by 12 September 2014.
