A cycle of Conferences and Workshops throughout Europe will allow those users to debate both the general implementation issues and the specific needs of different geographical local authorities. The overall programme will enable a feed back to European decision makers on the reality of the implementation of the services by Local and Regional users.
The cycle will be opened by the next Eurisy conference, in Barcelona
Future Challenges for Local and Regional Authorities: How can Space Technology help?
Barcelona, Spain – 29/30 May 2007
Barcelona, Spain – 29/30 May 2007
It will bring to Barcelona numerous professionals from regions and cities and from the space technology and service sectors. The two-day programme is designed to encourage discussion and effective information exchange on the challenges ahead from the user perspective, and also to present possible solutions provided by existing and planned space applications in the areas of earth observation, positioning navigation and timing and telecommunications.
In particular, Users from Local and Regional authorities will address the following items:
- Common challenges faced by service users from Local and Regional Authorities
- Good practices in the utilisation of Space Application based services by Local and Regional Authorities
- Space Applications based services as a leverage for improved governance and economical development
- Current limitations and difficulties
– Requirements for future Services.

A parallel Service Expo will be open to participants.
The first follow up event will be the Workshop for coastal regions in Tallinn, Estonia, on 17/18 September 2007. Additional Follow up Workshop organised around issues of interest to Local and Regional Authorities will be organised in early and mid 2008. A final, conclusive Conference, will be organised mid 2008 in Brussels to present the result to European decision makers.
For further information : www.eurisy.org
(Source EURISY)