The project was fully developed using the technology based in Free Software, and it is held in four pillars: the database, the database development of the tools, the geo portal in Internet and the infrastructure of the special data.
With the delivery of this project created by the ICV and developed by Aurensis, we are trying that any citizen will be able to have geographical information in any place of the Community of Valencia, in the moment they wish and decreasing the time search considerably. We are also offering the users the tools to improve/make easier their relationship with ICV. The product has got the on-line sell possibility, allowing the user to make any kind of orders, included those ones that are made to measure like digital cartography cuts. This will be done through the maps server and also through their selection in the metadata catalogue.
The electronic sale allows sporadic and habitual clients to acquire the ICV products directly through the Internet. To facilitate the buying process we have integrated in the ICV portal the CECA’s electronically payment functionality.
The ICV like a cartographical reference of the Community of Valencia, has stated this path hand by hand with Aurensis convinced of the advantages these services will bring and continues working with these services to accumulate knowledge that will maintain them in their leadership position.
Press here to CART@
(Source Aurensis)