The imagery was completely acquired with the company’s 90 megapixel UltraCam-D large format digital frame camera, mounted in their fast Fairchild Merlin survey aircraft.
This project is unprecedented in the Netherlands, since it is the first time aerial photos of the entire country have been acquired completely digitally. The 3 months that followed the aerial data acquisition of the 7000 images have now led to one large (850GB) seamless colour aerial photo mosaic with 40cm resolution. It is now the most recent and most detailed country-wide snapshot of the Netherlands.
The use of UltraCam-D digital camera has led to remarkable improvements of the final product, particularly for image purity, clarity, contrast and visibility of details in shadowed areas.
With this product Aerodata has set a new standard for country-wide digital ortho photo databases.
The complete dataset or parts of it are currently being delivered to customers under the brand name “aeroGRID® NL2005”. Later this year Aerodata will make the dataset available on the internet.
(Credits Aerodata International Surveys)