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Workshop: GMES Land products developed in Geoland2

Requirements and examples of products for analysis at a European and regional level

Geoland2 project aims at developing and demonstrating a range of reliable, affordable and cost efficient European geo-information services, supporting the implementation of European Directives and their National implementation, as well as European and International policies.

Planetek Italia and ISPRA promote a workshop dedicated to the dissemination of some of the Geoland2 activities as well as to related projects legacy over the Italian territory. A special emphasis will be placed in the description of the 5 High Resolution layers (HR): Imperviousness, Water Bodies, Wetland, Agricultural and Forests. The key aspect is to present a realistic and convincing overview where HR layers may support environmental reporting, together with examples of how the HR-layers can be used for CORINE LC update. The focus should be on the regional/national usage of the data – not only for pan-European analysis.

The workshop wants to stimulate and promote the debate around new land monitoring techniques based on Earth Observation data, and how this can create new opportunities for Public Administrations.

This workshop wants to represent an opportunity to discuss other approaches for land monitoring and spatial information analysis across Europe. The format of this workshop is similar to other initiatives with a common objective to raise user awareness across Europe with regards to the use of the 5 HR layers for which Geoland2 contributed substantially for the prototype development.

GeoLand2 will be presented next 16th November 16-18, 2011 during the XV Italian Conference ASITA.

Official website GMES-Geoland
Project Description
Event information and subscriptions