At local scale, other peculiar capacities of space emerges, the dual faced development of sophisticated supply side and the stimulus of a modern, mostly but not only, public, demand side.
The term “Rocket Science” is not casual, in the last 50 years space systems have been at the heart of innovation race, leading to the development of a healthy industry ranging from advanced materials to informatics. Nevertheless as stimulating as the supply side is, the power of space service is no less fascinating.
The big question is, “how to harmonize the multiples dimensions of Space?” To try to answer this question, the Puglia Region Aerospace Cluster (DTA) invited the European network of space regions (NEREUS), ESA, ASI, CNES and other 300 representatives to meet in Bari for the International Conference “Space4You – Space, a Driver for Competitiveness and Growth”. Read more: |