Vista GmbH is a value adding company working in the field of remote sensing applications in geosciences. The main application areas in which Vista is active are yield estimation of agricultural crops, modelling of evapotranspiration, runoff and ground water recharge, advanced land use classifications using GIS-tools, observations of snow cover and water bodies, and precipitation and soil moisture observation for flood modelling and forecast.
Consultancy and special services as well as software development are main parts of Vista’s activities in the field of remote sensing for hydrological and agricultural applications. Dedicated solutions and applications are developed in accordance with the customer’s requirements.
Within national and international projects we concentrate on our main field of expertise: remote sensing. To fully utilize remote sensing data and to gain valuable information from images, process models and GIS-methods are necessary tools. The combined application of these methods is Vista‘s special know-how.
Our concept
Vista was founded in 1995 by Dr. Heike Bach and Prof. Dr. Wolfram Mauser, Director of the Institute for Geography and Head of the Remote Sensing Laboratory at the University of Munich as a private company. Its major aim is to transform the scientific methods developed in geosciences and remote sensing into practical applications. Through this the gap between research results and customer’s needs is bridged. In February 2000 the legal form of the company changed to a GmbH (Limited) to meet the growing demands and facilitate international cooperations.
Source VISTA