EUMETSAT Assigned VCS to Deliver a HRPT Reference User Station (RUS)
VCS Space has been awarded a new contract by EUMETSAT to deliver a HRPT Reference User Station (RUS) which predicts the satellite track and which receives satellite images and other related information/data from meteorological polar orbiting satellites.
For reception of data from meteorological satellites like NOAA, FengYun and MetOP a so called High Resolution Picture Transmission receiving system is required. All those satellites are equipped with radiometers for capturing cloud images in real time having spatial resolutions of about 1 km in several spectral channels reaching from visible to infrared channels.
The HRPT Reference User Station is consisting of the following components
• HRPT El/Az tracking antenna with 2.0m reflector,
• Combined feed, low noise amplifier (LNA), downconverter,
• Tracking system for L-band satellites,
• Digital Receiver and Demodulator,
• Acquisition workstation equipped with 2met!® Application Software