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VCS Aktiengesellschaft is now SCISYS Deutschland GmbH

VCS Aktiengesellschaft has changed legal basis and name with effect from 12th of December (according to §§ 190 ff., §§ 238 ff. UmwG). The company now operates as SCISYS Deutschland GmbH.

For the customers and partners of the VCS Space Division, the close integration of VCS and SciSys is not necessarily new. Already in 2009 all space activities in Great Britain and Germany have been bundled in an efficient international Space Division under the direction of Dr. Horst Wulf, Chief Operating Officer of VCS Space. Our latest success in the Operations & Support business in Darmstadt, the joint efforts in the Galileo FOC Phase and the development of robotics know-how at the Bochum site already impressively demonstrate the potential of the synergy between the Space Divisions in Great Britain and Germany.

The new SCISYS Deutschland GmbH will remain a strong and reliable partner for the European space activities in Germany. The key people within the SCISYS Deutschland Space Division will be the same as it was for VCS: Mr. Ulli Leibnitz remains Director of Business Development. Starting in 2012 he is also responsible for all operating activities of the German element of the Space Division. Dr. Horst Wulf becomes a member of the management board of SCISYS Deutschland GmbH and continues to head all space activities of the SCISYS Group.

These recent changes provide a solid foundation for the continuing success of the company. As a strong and versatile group with an international focus, SCISYS will also in future be at your side as a reliable and competent partner.

The contact person for all matters concerning Earth Observation remains Dr. Peter Scheidgen, Head of the Business Segment Earth Observation.

SCISYS Deutschland GmbH
Dr. Peter Scheidgen
Head of Business Segment
Earth Observation
Borgmannstrasse 2
44894 Bochum
Phone:+49 234 9258 0
Fax:+49 234 9258 0