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United Nations Holds Informal Session on Space Technology for Sustainable Development and Disaster Management

“Space technology for sustainable development and disaster management: opportunities within the United Nations system”

VIENNA, 17 January (UN Information Service)
open informal session on “Space technology for sustainable development
and disaster management: opportunities within the United Nations
system”, was chaired on the afternoon of 20 January at the headquarters
of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) in Paris. The session took place immediately after the 26th
annual session of the United Nations Inter-Agency Meeting on Outer
Space Activities, from 18 to 20 January.
The purpose of this informal open session
was to exchange views and information between Member States and
observers of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space (COPUOS) and United Nations entities, on activities and
initiatives of the UN system in sustainable development and disaster
management that involve space technology.
Member States had the opportunity to
familiarize themselves with initiatives such as the International
Charter “Space and Major Disasters”, as well as the UNESCO Space
Education Programme and the Open Initiative on the Use of Space
Technology in Support of the World Heritage Convention.
The UN Inter-Agency Meeting on Outer
Space Activities convenes annually, since 1975, to discuss current and
future activities, emergent space technologies of interest and other
related matters. The Meeting reports on its deliberations to COPUOS.
The Meeting also compiles, on behalf of the UN Secretary-General, a
report on the coordinated space-related activities of the UN system,
which serves as a strategic tool for UN entities to further enhance
inter-agency cooperation and avoid duplication of efforts related to
the use of various space applications.
Open informal sessions for the Member
States and observers of COPUOS have been held by the Inter-Agency
Meeting since 2004 to provide a constructive mechanism for an active
dialogue between the entities of the UN system and Member States of
COPUOS. Representatives from the following countries and UN entities
are expected to participate in the open informal session: Australia,
Belgium, Czech Republic, Colombia, France, Germany, Mexico, Nigeria,
Syria, Ukraine, United States, United Nations Department of
Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs,
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Secretariat for the
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, World Food Programme,
UNOSAT, UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organization.
The United Nations Office for Outer Space
Affairs (OOSA) implements the decisions of the General Assembly and of
the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its two
Subcommittees, the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the Legal
Subcommittee. The Office is responsible for promoting international
cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space, and assisting
developing countries in using space science and technology. Located in
Vienna, Austria, OOSA maintains a website at
For information contact:
Qais Sultan
Associate Programme Officer
Telephone: +43 1 26060-4962
United Nations Information Service
Vienna (UNIS)
P.O.Box 500, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 260 60 – 3430;
Fax: +43 1 260 60 7 5899
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