The Crop Monitoring Supporting Food Security pilot was successfully integrated in the NextGEOSS platform earlier this year. With this achievement (which had been defined a pre-requisite), the NextGEOSS Beta version of the datahub and platform was released in April 2018.
The Beta Release is now available to selected pilot services, and it is aiming at consolidating the NextGEOSS system with the integration of further technical components such as the Service Desk, Operation Analytics Dashboards, and the Single Sign-On User Management. Moreover, this version will enable us to refine the User Experience and to develop expertise to easily adapt to the different pilots’ needs.
During this release, 4 additional services from different EO-related areas will be integrated and experience NextGEOSS’ datahub and platform. One of those services is a new marine-related pilot, Oceanic Drift Models, developed by CLS, which was not originally part of NextGEOSS. The first Public Release will be launched later this year.
Building Earth Observation Applications with NextGEOSS
For the Public Release, NextGEOSS is welcoming expressions of interest from new pilot services supporting the Sustainable Development Goals. The selected new services will be integrated into our cloud platform and have privileged access to the European datahub fully customized to their data needs! The NextGEOSS team has a solid experience in integrating services from several EO-related areas, such as agriculture, biodiversity, energy, disaster risk reduction, marine, among others! Get the unique opportunity to be part of the NextGEOSS’ and benefit from a tailored integration process and dedicated support service for your operations! Send your application to You can also find more information on
To show EO users what NextGEOSS offers as a platform and give the opportunity to have a hands-on experience with NextGEOSS tools and services, a one-day Training event “Building EO Applications with NextGEOSS” will take place in Geneva (Switzerland), on the 11th September 2018. The Training will enable first-hand discussions with the NextGEOSS technical team developing and maintaining the platform, and for networking of the existing and new user community.
If you would like to know more about using NextGEOSS to discover, access and process EO data, this Training is ideal for you. Register through and let us know what are the topics that you would like to see prioritized at the Training!
For more information about NextGEOSS, check out our website. Follow us on Twitter (@NextGEOSS) to get more frequent updates on NextGEOSS activities.