Regarding climate change, the primary objective of the Swedish Presidency is that the EU continues to take responsibility for the climate threat and pursues its global efforts. Therefore the Swedish Presidency will seek the adoption of a new climate agreement during the international climate negotiations in Copenhagen in December
Moreover, according to the Swedish Presidency, the battle against climate change will give the EU an opportunity to strengthen its competitiveness and contribute to a better environment by developing cooperation between different policy areas through advanced policy instruments and increased innovative capacity
In parallel, on 10 June 2009, the European Commission proposed an EU strategy for regional cooperation in order to tackle common urgent environmental problems and to enhance the growth and development of the Baltic Sea states. One of the concrete actions proposed by the Commission is the development of integrated maritime governance structures and maritime and land-based spatial planning. The Swedish Presidency of the EU will seek to adopt this strategy
More information at:
The 6 month work programme of the Swedish EU Presidency
Source GMES.Info]=47&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&cHash=2a9d1ed725