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Tele-Rilevamento Europa News

TRE news

SIMCAT™, Satellite IMagery CATalog
TRE is working on different tools to complement its range of PS service products.
SIMCAT™ – Satellite IMagery CATalog - is a new proprietary TRE software that allows users to find out how many satellite SAR images have been acquired over an area of interest (AOI).
The visualization of results is supported by the Google Earth™ platform and is easy to use . The user defines the AOI using the Google Earth™ interface and then downloads the archive – a list of images acquired by the ERS1, ERS2, ENVISAT and RADARSAT satellites – directly on to the Google Earth™ map (see
To access SIMCAT™, users need a login code and password. These can be requested at
SIMCAT™ is available to both our existing and future clients.
The tool allows the user to identify, independently, whether a PS archive exists for an area. This could be preferred over making direct enquiries to TRE.
Maps: the new platform for visualizing PSInSAR™ maps
Always downloadable onto Geographical Information System, PS data are now available on Google Maps ™ platform thanks to a new application developed by TRE.
Clicking on and choosing the “Naples” or “Palo Alto” frame, it is possible to have an example of how this new tool works: PS information (i.e . position and displacement value) will appear by clicking on the “PSInSAR™ viewer” button and will be superimposed on a Google Maps ™ satellite layer.
We are confident that “Maps” makes PS easier to visualize and will bring people to use PS information through a simple browser in the future.
Of course, we are speaking about a starting application with a great potential.
In the next few months, we are going to add other data-sets, obtained by processing different typologies of satellite images (ERS, Envisat, Radarsat, etc.) over different new areas.
From the same interface it is also possible to access the SIMCAT tool. Designed by TRE too, it allows the visualization of catalog satellite images (ERS, Envisat, Radarsat) over a selected area within a Google Earth ™ environment.
(Source TRE)