The services provided are two:
The Oil Spill service is a Routine Surveillance of Spanish waters based on near real time oil spill detection using Envisat SAR images. The service also includes the integration of SAR Oil Spill detection with AIS (Automatic Identification System) in order to allow the user the identification of potential polluters, as well as additional relevant met-ocean information.
The service is targeted to National users like Sasemar, as well as to regional users depending on the areas covered in the different deployment phases.
The service is targeted to National users like Sasemar, as well as to regional users depending on the areas covered in the different deployment phases.
The Water Quality service is a Routine Surveillance of Spanish waters based on ocean previsions from the Mercator-Ocean model. The service provides different marine indexes allowing the user to better obtain ocean characterization, and prevent potential arrival of harmful algae blooms (HABs) related to upwelling events. Maps of temperature fronts and horizontal currents are proposed as well as vertical currents.
The service is targeted to regional users (i.e.: INTECMAR, Instituto Tecnológico para el Control del Medio Marino en Galicia) depending on the areas covered in the different deployment phases.
STARLAB is a SME company that develops new technologies and service concepts, and promotes new technology markets.
(Source Starlab)