Spacemetric delivers airborne image distribution and archive solution to the Swedish National Land Survey
Spacemetric has completed the delivery and operational roll-out of a complete image distribution and archiving solution based on its Keystone image supply technology to the Swedish National Land Survey. This provides a catalogue and serves image products from the Land Survey’s 50 Terabyte archive of existing orthophotos and recent digital airborne camera acquisitions.
Since February 2007 the Swedish National Land Survey has adopted a new national map system, Sweref99. At the same time, there is a need to effectively and simply provide seamless access to both the archive of older aerial photography and newer digital airborne imagery from the Survey‘s two Z/I DMC cameras. The existing archive is stored in the previous system, RT90, and must now be provided to the new standard. In the meantime, full customer adoption of Sweref99 is expected to take several years so all imagery will be provided in both systems for some time to come.
The solution provided by Spacemetric supports on-demand generation of the Survey’s image products in either of the Swedish coordinate systems. Archived orthoimages can be recombined and reprojected to provide tailored extracts and image mosaics regardless of standard map-sheet boundaries. Meanwhile, new DMC imagery is kept in a rudimentary form together with its orientation data and is only generated in a specific map system in response to an order. The solution is also highly scalable and will support an archive growth rate of 10-15 TB per year in response to an annual survey of 150,000 km2 of Swedish territory.
Spacemetric is a Swedish company providing image supply solutions for satellite and airborne imagery. Customers include the European Space Agency, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, the National Aerospace Laboratory in the Netherlands, the Swedish National Land Survey and the Swedish National Space Board.
Spacemetric supports Spanish DMC satellite
Spacemetric is to deliver a comprehensive image supply solution for the latest satellite in the Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) being built for the Spanish company Deimos Space by Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL). This satellite features a 600 km wide-swath multispectral imager with pixels of 22 metres.
Five DMC satellites have been built so far for customers including the UK, Nigeria and China. Spacemetric supports all of these missions with catalogue, archive management and orthoprocessing functions through the Keystone image supply solution delivered to the SSTL subsidiary DMC International Imaging (DMCii). Meanwhile, the Keystone solution for the Deimos satellite will be delivered as a stand-alone system to the Spanish operator. The system will be delivered in Autumn 2007 and will be complemented by post-launch activities to fine-tune the workflow and ensure that high-accuracy orthoimages can be generated in an efficient and streamlined way.
Spacemetric is a Swedish company providing image supply solutions for satellite and airborne imagery. Customers include the European Space Agency, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, the National Aerospace Laboratory in the Netherlands, the Swedish National Land Survey and the Swedish National Space Board.
Lars-Äke Edgardh,
Tel: +46 859477080
Ian Spence,
Sales & Marketing Director
International Sales Office, UK
International Sales Office, UK
Tel: +44 20710036060
(Source SpaceMetric)