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SNAP 2.0 released

It has been released after a public beta test phase with many helpful feedback from enthusiastic users.

It provides users a comprehensive set of tools for using data products from the Sentinel platforms.

SNAP is a powerful EO application on its own and provides the platform for plugging in other sensor- or domain-specific toolboxes. Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Toolboxes and also the SMOS-Box and Radarsat-2 Toolbox can be optionally installed, either by the installer, or later from within the SNAP plugin manager.

SNAP is the successor of the well known BEAM software and will replace it in the long term. BEAM will remain under maintenance until at least mid of 2016 where we will continuing our user support. The further development of new features will take place within SNAP and the toolboxes.
