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Satellite Services BV Releases the Versatile High-Rate Modem for EO Applications

Satellite Services BV of The Netherlands announces the release of is Versatile High Rate Earth Resources Demodulator (ERSDEM-3 VHRM) which is capable of operating up to 1.2Gbps.

The ERSDEM-3 VHRM is targeted at the Earth Observation market and provides users with both single and multi-channel options in a single system. The ERSDEM-3VHRM supports the standard coding schemes plus up and coming standards such as 4D-PSK.

The control and monitoring software delivered with the system provides the user with facilities to control and monitor the system and include real-time (multi-channel) demodulator scatter diagram display and product confidence data tagged of the incoming data.

The ERSDEM-3 VHRM can be integrated with Satellite Services BV Data Ingestion / Processing systems that support a range of industry standard DAS / NAS solutions.

For further information please visit

(Source Satellite Services BV)